CE Marking


Conformitè Europëenne (CE Marking) is the mandatory requirement for European Union (EU Nations) to get entry into the European market. European Nations have stated and made obligatory to fulfil EU Directives and Legislations for the products to legally distribute the products to the general public ensuring their safety concern. CE Marking affixed on the product compliance with the regulation and legislation of EU Directives. CE Marking has its unique shape and size which decides its originality. The CE marking for Restriction of Hazardous Substances is managed by Directorate-General for Environment. Comprehensive guidance on the implementation of EU product rules can be found in the so-called Blue Guide.

 CE the marking indicates that the product fulfils the requirements of EU Directives and is considered safe from any threat. Whether the manufacturer, distributor, or retailer is wholly responsible for the product published in the European Nation. Further, this mark also indicates that the product is legally placed in the market after completion of all levels of tests and assessments of the European Economic Area EEA. 

 As stated CE marking can be self-certified or by any service provider, finally, the manufacturer needs to carry our assessment by a notified body for technical products containing high risk for safety measures that will not endanger the life and property. Validity for CE marking is 3 years from the date of compliance with regular Surveillance Audit and Re-Certification.

 Also Check >>> CE Marking Certification In Dubai

 Benefits of CE Marking Certification

  1. Get an opportunity to trade Internationally.
  2. Security of Safe Products.
  3. Reduction in legal procedures by Law.
  4. Build Brand Image.
  5. Enhance Customer Satisfaction.
  6. Gain Competitive Advantage.
  7. Increase Credibility.
  8. Reduction in recalls and damages.
  9. Increase productivity.
  10. Passport to Europe
  11. Achieve desired goals
  12. Take business to new heights.
  13. Reduction in liability claims.


Some industries mandatorily require CE Marking to place their products in the market are:

  • Toys industries 
  • Machines
  • Electrical equipment
  • Television
  • Electronic equipment
  • Personal protective equipment 
  • Medical devices
  • Gas appliances
  • Lifts
  • Equipment and protective systems for use in an explosive atmosphere
  • Weighting & measuring equipment 
  • New hot water boilers in vitro diagnostic
  • Cableways
  • Explosives for civil use, where CE marking is a must.

The Construction Products Regulation came into effect on 1st of July 2013 and stated before placing the products in the market manufacturers need to apply CE marking to any of their goods that were covered by ETA. Ex. Ceiling, cladding, doors, Facades, Finishes, etc.


Likewise, all EU Nations such as the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Romania, France, Germany, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, etc made CE Marking mandatory.


Rules for underlying the CE Marking

  1. Identify the product EU Directive applicable.
  2. Determine the requirements and conformity depending on the method of Directives.
  3. Decide the type(third/Self) assessment depending on the product
  4. Fulfilment of the conformity of the EU Directives
  5. Prepare technical Documentation
  6. Affixing CE Marking  


Since Applying the CE Marking is very complex, CE marking assessment by a notified body is of great importance throughout the CE Marking Procedure. The identification number has to be placed below the CE Marking logo stating that this is done under which Notified Body.







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