What is GOST R Certification?


GOST R Certification is not only focused on the quality management of the product or goods of the subject company but also engaged with the products(materials) used to prepare it. In the other words, the tests of samples are essential to obtain GOST R Certificate. These tests are made on accredited laboratories by GOSSTANDARD. (Russian Governmental Standards Organization) According to these tests, the certificates are given to the prepared company. GOST R Certification is also known as a Russian Certificate.  


GOST R Certificate is a product Certification applicable to the products exported to the Russian Market. The Russian government made it mandatory the product entering the Russian market need to accomplish GOST R Certificate. GOST is the Russian world which means NORMS and R means Russia.

For easy to remember it is GOvernment STandard Russia.


The Certificate confirms that delivering products have successfully passed the technical requirements of the GOST R compliance and is eligible to enter Russian Market. Technical Regulations are similar to Directives of the standard, covering all the necessary requirements to the entire product’s life cycle. Each TR is supported GOST R compliance and other standards in terms of product-specific requirements and testing methods to prove their quality and sustainability of the product to get entry in the required market. It means that the products are high quality and meet Russian GOST-R standards requirements. Most of the exporting products which are in direct contact with human and food are a subject of an obligatory certification, otherwise will not drive into the boundary and will not be admitted for trade. GOST R Certification process for products and services might be obligatory or voluntary depending on the nature of the goods if you are planning to ship to Russia.


Also, Check >>> GOST R Certification in India


Products mandatorily require GOST R Certificate are:

  • Industrial Products
  • Food Products/ equipments
  • Mechanical and electrical equipments
  • Consumer Products
  • Cosmetics
  • Toys
  • Perfumes
  • Construction and industrial equipments
  • Domestic goods and products
  • Clothes, etc.


The cost for certificate GOST-R is fully dependent on the type and nature of the product on the duration of validity you need to go with. The cost of a certificate for industrial machinery, highly depends on the duration and type of certificate manufacturer required. The price may increase when many products or models are covered by a single certificate.


Requirements of GOST R Certification

To give you the approximate cost of GOST R Certification is to obtain information like:

  • HS code- Harmonized Custom code
  • Technical specification of the product
  • INCI - composition- for cosmetic and chemical product
  • Composition/Ingredients of product - for food product
  • Composition of material used for garments
  • Short description of the goods/Products - with user manual
  • Copy of contain contract with Russian Receiver with type of Certificate


Benefits OF GOST R Certification

  1. Reputation of an association increment
  2. Prevents wastage of Resource
  3. Saves Cost
  4. License to trade in the Russian market
  5. The benefit of International stature to your product.
  6. Demonstrate client satisfaction  
  7. Deliver the consistent quality
  8. Money and time-saving procedure
  9. Supports to access the Russian market
  10. Minimize risk, imperfection products and harms
  11. Progress brand image 
  12. Supports to build market value of the organization




Steps for GOST R Certification

To make the GOST R Certification process simple and quick. Hiring a consultant will guide you and your business through the following steps to achieve GOST R Certification by providing

  • Apply internationally accepted HSN code for your product
  • Follow and verify the compliance of the GOST R requirements
  • Conduct Type Testing
  • Assessment of TCF (Technical Construction File)
  • Conducting Site Verification(Audit)

Ø  Personnel verification

Ø  Process verification

Ø  Product verification

                    Conducting Inspection and achievement of the Certification










  1. WoW!! What a blog and well versed for every company and I guess gost certification is good for every company as well as the customers to show up standardization.


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