Why ISO 41001 is vital?

The ISO 41001:2018 standard aims to help facilities management companies improve efficiencies across a range of areas, from procurement to operations to maintenance. 


ISO 41001 ‘Facility management — Management systems’ standard is highly intelligently designed to almost perfectly counter the facilities management (FM) trauma and introspection prompted by various Industry collapses. Implementing and getting certified to this standard might be a pathway to the collaborative, sustainable, mutually beneficial provision of workspaces, whether by an in-house team or a contractor.


Facility management is an organizational function that integrates its various resources to achieve a common strategic goal of quality product/service output through- people, place, and process within the built surrounding, that leads quality life of people and increases the productivity of the business.


With easy working, office spaces are now planned on multiple workers per desk.

Today, because workplace are generally becoming typically the second largest overhead after staff costs and, on the other hand, one of the key differentiators in the “war for talent”, “demand organizations” – for both internal or external customers word ISO need improved standards of this previously mundane adjunct to their core activities.


Facility management ISO 41001 certification is the organizational function that integrates the various resources- whether internal or external- people, place, and process within the surrounding, to lead quality life of people and increases core business productivity.


Sadly, in the absence of understanding (dereliction of duty by employers/customers – in some instances, government), some sectors of the industry have “taken liberties” which might not always be beneficial to all relevant parties. Some of those compare apples with pears, some with so-called “aggressive accounting”. For example, an adjunct booking of the entire anticipated five-year contract profits in the first year with no contingency and/or depreciation plan and budgeting. More harsh criticism of corporate leadership is difficult to imagine. This is also, where ISO 41001 standard might help.


There is a real, pressing need for a route towards a bright future.

The guidance standard ISO 41012 ‘Facility management — the development of agreements and guidance on strategic sourcing has been published and has a key philosophical approach contained in the statements under Section 7.1: “That the provision of facilities management is a joint and the inter-dependent relationship between demand organization and service provider”.

In fact, at the same time, this is an auditable standard, a service provider cannot be audited in isolation from the contract it is running or the service it’s providing. Considerations might be given to changes in core business requirements to ensure that mutuality and benefits are sustained throughout the term of the agreement.


In this growing domain, other standards fit in are ISO 44001 ‘Collaborative Business Relationship Management Systems and ISO 55001 ‘Asset Management’. Both standards offer useful, structured, and complementary footings for a more robust future.


FM has various issues- the worst excesses of mismanagement and governance to a much more positive plethora of new regulations, guidance, and standards. So led by a uniquely collaborative ISO standard- ISO 41001:2018 which equivocally addresses all these, requiring client and contractor to work together is quite handy and useful, not to say Value-for-Money. 



The evaluation of ISO 41001:2018 is tough and highly determined and strategic. Documentation against policy standard is quite extensive and requires the hands of experts. To make the ISO 41001 Certification process simple and quick. Hiring a consultant will guide you and your business through the following steps to achieve ISO 41001 Certification by providing:

  1. Gap Analysis Training 
  2. Testing  
  3. Documentation & Test Report
  4. Process Audit
  5. External Audit
  6. Certification and beyond 






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