What is GOST R Certification?

GOST R Certification is not only focused on the quality management of the product or goods of the subject company but also engaged with the products(materials) used to prepare it. In the other words, the tests of samples are essential to obtain GOST R Certificate. These tests are made on accredited laboratories by GOSSTANDARD. (Russian Governmental Standards Organization) According to these tests, the certificates are given to the prepared company. GOST R Certification is also known as a Russian Certificate. GOST R Certificate is a product Certification applicable to the products exported to the Russian Market. The Russian government made it mandatory the product entering the Russian market need to accomplish GOST R Certificate. GOST is the Russian world which means NORMS and R means Russia. For easy to remember it is GO vernment ST andard R ussia. The Certificate confirms that delivering products have successfully passed the ...